US Based International Incarnational and Urban Poor Missions
- The Urban Trek
- Sending about 150 Intervarsity students to 6 cities every
summer for 6 weeks exposure to urban poor ministries. Seeking
to feed them to these other missions in a seamless manner.
Scott Bessenecker is the entrepreneurial spirit behind this.
- Word Made Flesh:
- - Word Made Flesh partners with local aid organizations,
local churches, and national believers that work among
children at risk. Word Made Flesh works toward preventing
children from living on the streets. High-risk communities are
targeted for education and community development projects with
the hopes of keeping children off the streets. Word Made Flesh
also partners with local aid organizations that rescue and
rehabilitate boys and girls who have been sexually exploited;
helping to provide education, rehabilitation, discipleship,
and care.
- Servant-Partners: Derek and Lisa Engdahl, exec directors.
- - Holistic churchplanting works in North Africa, Bangkok,
Manila, Mexico City
- - Partnered in Nairobi with Kibera Reformed Presbyterian
Church and church planter/Pastor Imbumi Makuku in Kibera, one
of sub-Saharan Africa's largest slum communities
- - Partnered with Florence Muindi Of Life in Abundance in
Addis and North African cities
- - Partnered with the formation of a Central American
sending base from Guatemala
- Innerchange
- A prophetic order among the poor with work
in Romania, Venezuela, Cambodia plus Minneapolis, Los Angeles,
San Francisco.
- Antioch Internet Bible Institute
- web-based training material to the poor
- Harvest International
with Bob Moffitt
- a parallel network. They have developed
church-based community development models very effectively.
- Action International
- Focused on street kids. Action is a
mission of about 140 workers based in Seattle to 13 countries: Brazil,
Canada, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, India, Malawi, Mexico, Nepal,
Philippines, Uganda, Ukraine, and Zambia.
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