


We cannot cover all topics, so it depends on which emphases are available within the stories.



Theological Framework

(These can be woven throughout)

Entrance & Evangelism


Church Growth


Community Transforma-tion

Advocacy at Upper Levels

Training/ Integration

Sharing and Response


The Kingdom of God as a theological framework for urban poor mission-teaching.

- viv


Small Groups

Breaking the Property Barrier/ Land for church buildings

Developing The 5 Leadership Gifts (Eph 4:11,12)– (teaching – Viv, followed by a leadership team releasing people into these gifts)

Intro to Micro- Enterprise

Experiences of seeking to gain Land Rights for the poor

Training of Urban Poor Pastors – Viv + Chennai case studies

Time of Intercession

Greetings from the Global movements across the slums of the mega-cities – my story from the Manila slums  -viv

The Kingdom and the Poor – Causes and Responses to Poverty teaching

- viv

Finding the Needs

Working with Illiterate - Story-based Training

- Syllabus

Pastoral Care

Developing Eldership

Intro to Preventive Health as a means of evangelism

Housing and land rights

(Teaching on a theology of land rights – Viv)

Integration of the Lessons learned, the shared theology, shared vision – Pr Kumar?

Final challenge - A Vision for the Future – the Poor wise man – Viv

What is Chennai – who are the poor of Chennai – maps of the slums, the churches, the churches in the slums, the un-reached areas

The Spirit, Evangelism, and Justice

- Viv

Entrance Points

Street Children


Diaconal Development

Cash Flows &funding of urban poor churches

Locating Industries near Slums





Power Encounters

House Groups

Team Building

Connecting to Community Leadership

Education – Primary

Vocational as a vehicle for church-planting

Community Organisation






