The Encarnaηγo Alliance
of Urban Poor Movement Leaders
updated 11/06
Beginning from early linkages
between urban poor incarnational missions in the 1990's, a consultation of
25 leaders met in Brazil in 2002. In 2004, a further gathering in Bangkok of
indigenous urban poor mission leaders from Asia extended this. There
was a felt need to move from a relational network to a formalised alliance
which remains highly relational. The following draft developed from
the discussion and modifications at the consultation and was further
extended by the leadership team at the Global Gathering in 2006, Chennai.
We are a global alliance of movement
leaders serving among the urban poor.
Our Direction
Building on the work of those who have
gone before and working with the Lord who is moving history towards the
eternal city, we commit ourselves together to
catalyze holistic church planting movements in slums of 200 megacities and
1700 least evangelized cities.
To create vision for holistic
churchplanting movements among the poor.
To strengthen the existing
training infrastructures of alliance member organizations and movements
Through prophetic envisioning,
prayer mobilization, consultations and developing training processes, to
encourage members of the
alliance to send 50,000 mature cross-cultural workers to these slums
by 2010. These workers to catalyse indigenous movements.
To expand training materials so
that urban poor workers are able, over ten years, to develop into fully
equipped workers, able to extend the Kingdom into significant
transformation of the slums.
To integrate, and disseminate
theology from the grassroots urban poor movements
To be an evangelical voice on
issues of advocacy for the urban poor in civil society and church
We accomplish these goals primarily through personal relationships built
through ministering together.
We seek to learn the mind of Christ through each other's
diversity in gentleness and humility. We expect that his synergy between us
will catalyse creativity. We are not seeking to franchise a model of
We connect
by videoconferencing and email at a balanced pace in a series of work teams
and commissions, gather in regional consultations primarily with every 2-3
years a global gathering of key leaders, and in between, consultations in
regions or cities.
We value storytelling as a
primary way of learning from each other. We seek to develop regional
story-telling conferences/training processes yearly.
Statement of Faith
We are diverse but generally
evangelical in background and operate within the framework of the Lausanne
Covenant. What holds us together is our
common theological commitment to preach the gospel in word and deed to the
urban poor, and to follow Jesus' incarnational style outworked in poor
people's churches as the centre of transformational mission in the slums.
Global Leadership Team
Chairperson: Viju Abraham
Coordinator: Viv Grigg
The network will be led by a
leadership team selected by the international chairperson and coordinator that includes the Chairperson,
Global Coordinator and either Coordinators or Chairpersons of the
Project Groups or commissions, plus others. Chairperson is ex officio on the
commissions. Regional/ National coordinators in the team:
India: Patron: Viju Abraham Chairman:
_______________ Coordinator: _________________
East Asia: Chair: Cory de Boer, Coordinator: Mars Rodriguez
America: Spanish _______ Brazil: Claudio Machado
Southern_ __________French / West: Gerson Celetti East: Richard
East: _________________
America: One of the incarnational mission leaders
coordinator to select a chairperson
International Leadership Team Members at the Chennai Consultation: Rongsen
Meren, Arthur Thanggiah (Prayer Coordinator), Mars Rodriguez (Grassroots
Training Chairman), Corrie de Boer (MATUL Representative), Pushpa Waghmare,
Viv Grigg (International Coordinator), Bryan Johnson (Training Consultant),
Richard Mayabi (East Africa Coordinator), Ed Bradley, Gerson Celetti (West
/Francophone Catalyst), Viju Abraham (Chairman), Cathy Delaney (standing in
for the Western incarnational missions). Qualities of Chairpersons &
Coordinators and leadership team members
communicate by email
to the collective vision
operational capacity to accomplish their jobs utilising their own
organisational bases
in fulfilling their tasks
commit a % of their time and capacity outside their organization to the
collective tasks.
Networking gifts
easily with the team
Project Teams
We form the following commissions/
project teams, each with a chairperson and a coordinator who share the
leadership load according to gifting but walk two by two. Generally, the
coordinator carries the workload, the chairperson carries responsibility for
public representation, public leadership of meetings, resourcing, some
recruiting of team members:
Chair: Viv Grigg. Encarnacao Representative: Cory de Boer,
Reps from each of the participating training institutions
Develop for urban movement leaders a degree at an MA
level, which can be adapted and utilised by partnering organisations
within the network.
- Grassroots Training Network
Bryan Johnson Chairman: Mars Rodriguez
training modules that are accessible to urban poor church planters
an integrated urban training process for urban poor churchplanters at
certificate and bachelors level
learning networks in next 30 cities
Resource Channelling
Commission (Pipeline
Chair: _______________
Coordinator: _________
Members: Art, Jean-Luc Krieg
resources to build the capacities of members to engage in ministry,
bringing in large funding agencies.
processes for collective resourcing of the network
models of group cluster funding in cities
training modules for project proposal writing, design and evaluation
for capital funding for expansion into least evangelised cities
to identify needs, summarize statistical material (i.e. where the
unreached cities are and the number of poor in those cities)
- Communications:
Coordinator: _____________ Prayer Coordinator: Arthur Thanggiah
with articles of interest, discussion board on various topics (land
rights, community organizing, house churches, training, contextualization,
development theory, etc.)
Poor e-Newsletter - sent out monthly by Arthur Thanggiah
a quarterly scholarly journal
5. Next Global Consultation Task Force:
Leadership team, plus co-opt several others, one from each continent.
6. Research:
% slums in all 1700 target cities
no of slum churches in all cities
responsiveness data for cities
Develop a
profile for each city
funding for this process
Global team job
descriptions are developed by each coordinator and chairperson and
submitted to the International coordinator for review on a yearly basis.
All jobs are assigned till either the leader ceases to be able to
functionally complete them or the next Encarnacao Alliance Global
There are three levels of membership: personal,
organisational and national/regional. Individuals or organisations may
request that their name be added to the official members list. | |
